How to Rest Leg After ACL Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide

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If you have recently undergone ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) surgery, then taking the proper steps to rest and recover your leg is crucial. Proper care and rehabilitation can help you get back to your daily activities quickly and reduce the risk of further injury.

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to rest your leg after ACL surgery, including important tips, exercises, and best practices to ensure a successful recovery.

Essential Tips for Resting Your Leg After ACL Surgery

Keep your leg elevated:

Keeping your leg elevated can help reduce swelling and pain. Prop your leg up on a pillow or cushion when sitting or lying down. Try to keep your leg elevated for at least 20 minutes every hour.

Apply Ice:

Ice can help reduce swelling and numb the area. Wrap a bag of ice or a cold pack in a towel and apply it to your knee for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours.

Wear a Compression Bandage:

Wearing a compression bandage can help reduce swelling and support the knee. Make sure the bandage is not too tight as it may impede circulation.

Avoid Putting Weight on Your Leg:

Avoid putting weight on your leg as much as possible in the first few days after surgery. Use crutches or a knee brace to assist you in walking. Gradually increase the weight you put on your leg as your knee becomes stronger.

Follow Your Physical Therapy Plan:

Your doctor will provide you with a physical therapy plan to help you recover. Follow the plan as closely as possible and attend all scheduled therapy appointments. Physical therapy can help you regain strength, mobility, and flexibility in your knee.

Exercises for Resting Your Leg After ACL Surgery

Quad Sets:

Quad sets help to strengthen your thigh muscles and improve knee stability. Sit with your leg extended and tighten the front of your thigh. Hold for 5-10 seconds and then relax. Repeat 10-15 times.

Straight Leg Raises:

Straight leg raises help to improve knee stability and flexibility. Lie on your back with your leg extended. Slowly raise your leg and hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times.

Heel Slides:

Heel slides help to improve knee flexibility and mobility. Lie on your back with your leg extended. Slowly bend your knee, sliding your heel towards your buttock. Hold for 5-10 seconds and then extend your leg. Repeat 10-15 times.


How long should I rest my leg after ACL surgery?

The length of time you need to rest your leg after ACL surgery will depend on the severity of your injury and your surgeon’s recommendations. In general, you should avoid putting weight on your leg for the first few days and gradually increase weight as your

knee becomes stronger. Most people can return to light activities after 4-6 weeks, but it can take up to 6-12 months to fully recover and return to normal activities.

How often should I do physical therapy after ACL surgery?

The frequency of physical therapy after ACL surgery will depend on your surgeon’s recommendations and the progress of your recovery. In general, you should attend physical therapy sessions 2-3 times a week in the early stages of your recovery and gradually decrease as you improve.

Can I play sports after ACL surgery?

The ability to return to sports after ACL surgery will depend on the progress of your recovery and your surgeon’s recommendations. In general, it can take 6-12 months to fully recover and return to normal activities, including sports. It is important to follow your physical therapy plan and gradually increase activity to avoid re-injury.


ACL surgery is a significant event, and proper rest and rehabilitation are essential for a successful recovery. By following the tips and exercises outlined in this article, you can help your leg heal and regain strength, mobility, and flexibility. Remember to consult with your surgeon and follow their recommendations, and always listen to your body to avoid re-injury. 

Resting your leg after ACL surgery will help ensure a smooth and successful recovery, allowing you to return to your normal activities as soon as possible.

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