Does United Airlines Allow Inflatable Footrests? An In-Depth Guide

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Do you need help getting comfortable during long flights? An inflatable footrest could be the solution you’re looking for. But the question remains – does United Airlines allow inflatable footrests? In this article, we’ll provide all the information you need about traveling with an inflatable footrest on United Airlines.

Long-haul flights can often be exhausting and uncomfortable for passengers due to their extended duration. You might consider investing in an inflatable footrest to make your journey more comfortable. Using footrests during your flight can provide relief for your legs, enhance blood circulation, and contribute to a more comfortable sleep, ensuring you arrive at your destination feeling refreshed.

However, before you pack your inflatable footrest in your carry-on luggage, knowing whether United Airlines allows them on board is essential. This article aims to provide comprehensive information about United Airlines’ policies and procedures regarding traveling with an inflatable footrest. Moreover, we will answer common inquiries to ensure you have all the essential information you need.

United Airlines’ Policies and Procedures

United Airlines has specific policies and procedures regarding the items passengers can bring on board. Regarding inflatable footrests, the airline’s policy is complex.

According to United Airlines’ website, passengers can bring “small, lightweight and inflatable items” as carry-on or checked luggage. This includes inflatable footrests, provided they meet the size and weight restrictions for carry-on or checked luggage.

Please note that the airline has the authority to decline any item that may pose a safety risk or disrupt the comfort of fellow passengers. In other words, if your inflatable footrest is too large or occupies an excessive amount of space, it may not be permitted for carriage on board the aircraft.

Tips for Traveling with an Inflatable Footrest on United Airlines

Here are some tips to help you travel with an inflatable footrest on United Airlines:

  • Choose a compact and lightweight inflatable footrest. A smaller and lighter footrest is easier to carry, store and pack.
  • Ensure your inflatable footrest is fully deflated before packing it in your carry-on luggage.
  • Consider packing your inflatable footrest in a compression bag to reduce the size and make it easier to pack in your luggage.
  • If you plan to travel with checked luggage, it is advisable to pack your inflatable footrest in the center of your suitcase. This positioning helps minimize the chances of it getting damaged during transit.
  • Be prepared to demonstrate to airport security that your inflatable footrest is not a safety hazard.


Below are some commonly asked questions regarding traveling with an inflatable footrest on United Airlines:

Q: Can I use an inflatable footrest during the flight?

A: Yes, you can use an inflatable footrest during the flight. However, it is important to be mindful of fellow passengers and avoid obstructing the aisle or hindering their movement.

Q: Can I bring an inflatable footrest as a carry-on item?

A: Yes! You can bring an inflatable footrest as a carry-on item if it adheres to the specified size and weight limitations for carry-on luggage.

Q: Are there any restrictions on the size or weight of inflatable footrests allowed on board United Airlines?

A: United Airlines has specific size and weight restrictions for carry-on and checked luggage. The inflatable footrest should be small, lightweight and not pose a safety hazard or impede the movement of other passengers. We recommend checking the airline’s website for the latest size and weight restrictions information before your flight.

Q: What happens if my inflatable footrest is not allowed on United Airlines?

A: If your inflatable footrest is too large, takes up too much space or is deemed a safety hazard, it may not be allowed on board United Airlines. In this case, you may have to check it in as checked luggage or leave it behind.


In conclusion, United Airlines allow inflatable footrests on board, provided they meet the size and weight restrictions for carry-on or checked luggage. Choosing a compact and lightweight footrest is essential and ensuring it’s fully deflated before packing it in your luggage. If you are traveling with checked luggage, it is suggested to pack your inflatable footrest in the middle of your suitcase. This practice helps minimize the chances of damage occurring during the journey.

By following these tips, you can make your journey on United Airlines more comfortable and relaxed.

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